Spitlers School Foundation

Business Overview

Siem reap ,Kingdom of Cambodia

We hope that you will enjoy learning about this exciting and worthwhile project, which is having a dramatic impact on the lives of young children in one of the poorest countries in the world.  Cambodia’s history, in the last forty years, is filled with war, genocide, poverty and desperation.  With the help of caring people and international assistance the country is recovering, but the hope of the country lies with its children and their ability to lift themselves from abject poverty through education.

Spitler School

The story begins in April of 2005, when Danny and Pam Spitler visited Siem Reap, Cambodia to visit the famous temples of Angkor Wat.  During their four-day visit to the area their tour guide was a young Cambodian gentleman by the name of Chea Sarin.

Sarin was an excellent guide and, over the course of their visit, the Spitlers were impressed with his knowledge and his communication skill, but they also got a clear impression that he cared deeply for the plight of the poor villagers in his country and especially for the children.  He informed the Spitlers that the lack of clean drinking water was the cause of many health problems among the village children.

One of the stops, during the Spitler’s tour, was at an elementary school where Sarin showed them small, domestic water well with an old-style hand pump.  There was a sign near the well indicating that the funds to drill the well had been donated by an individual.  Sarin explained that the funds had come from one of his clients, and that he had coordinated the actual drilling of the well.  When asked he told the Spitlers that the cost of the well and pump was $300.

At the end of their tour the Spitlers decided to donate enough money to provide one of these wells to a poor village. They gave the $300 to Sarin and hoped that he would use the money for the intended purpose.   A few weeks after returning to their home in Phoenix, Arizona the Spitlers received an email from Sarin thanking them again for their generosity, and he included the following photo.

Contact to Spiter School

Address: Siem reap ,Kingdom of cambodia


Kids thank to donor family
Director gave certificate to Volunteer
Toilet at school
school Opening Ceremony

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Siem Reap ,Kingdom of Cambodia.

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Siem reap,Kingdom of Cambodia

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National Road No 6, Phum Kassekam Khum Sra Nger, Srok Siem Reap, Siem Reap Province.

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