
Bus Ticket in Cambodia, Taxi in Siem Reap

There is no centralized bus station in Phnom Penh. Buses from different companies depart from different stations. Some buses depart/arrive from the bus company office, others from remote bus stands such as market parking lots. One of the largest bus stations in Phnom Penh - Phnom Penh Sorya Transport - is next to Phsar Thmey (Central Market), near the GST bus station and major taxi stands. Several bus company offices are also concentrated near Street 104 and Sisowath Quay on the riverfront. The rest are scattered around town. In most provincial cities, including Siem Reap and Sihanoukville, there is a centralized bus station from which all buses arrive and depart. The following list is not comprehensive but does include most of the major bus companies.