Rainbow Orphanage

Business Overview

Ka Ektom Village, Reul Commune, Pouk District, Siem Reap.

It receives no government or NGO assistance, but relies entirely on donations .

It was opened in 2007 as a partnership between retired teachers and villagers. It is staffed by Cambodians working towards a safer and better future for Cambodian children. By supporting this venture you have a real opportunity to help us make a BIG difference to the lives of these children.

Who we are :

Working for Children (WFC) is a registered, non-profit charity committed to assisting orphans, poor and vulnerable children in rural communities in Siem Reap Province. It receives no government or NGO assistance, but relies entirely on donations .

It was opened in 2007 as a partnership between retired teachers and villagers. It is staffed by Cambodians working towards a safer and better future for Cambodian children. By supporting this venture you have a real opportunity to help us make a BIG difference to the lives of these children.

Where we work :

Working For Children selected a local in rural Siem Reap for its work. We will expand to other provinces as the finances allow.

Where to meet us?

Contact Mr. Pean Pol  at e-mail: children@wfc-kh.org   to arrange a visit Rainbow Orphanage and see what we are doing? . Use the services of your hotel or Guesthouse if you are no confident. They can bring you to our orphanage at : # Ka Aktom village, Reul commune, Puok district, Siem Reap or contact to Rainbow Orphanage resident staff at (855) 12 570 223 / 068 239 990.

Mission :

To ensure that less fortunate children in the rural community are cared for and given educational opportunities which will enable them to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Goals :

To provide residential care for orphaned, poor, vulnerable and impoverished children and to ensure that they have full access to education, through school and through vocational training.

To provide assistance for children who are living with impoverished families in the villages -in order to enable them to continue with their education and hence open up opportunities for employment.

To relieve the hardship of orphaned, impoverished and vulnerable children whose parents have become the victims of war, landmines .

To provide out-of-school English, Mathematics , and objects for exam classes to supplement the School Curriculum -catering for residential and village children.

To extend the children’s understanding of, and skills in traditional Khmer culture through Craft, Dance and Music classes and sewing at Rainbow.

To role-model sound ecological principles in the setting up of vegetable gardens, orchards, fish breeding dams and mushroom farms - in addition to developing self sustainability for the orphanage and communities.


For these children to grow up healthy in a caring supportive environment and to receive an education that will enable them to develop into capable and contributing citizens.

Contact to Rainbow Orphanage

Address : Ka Ektom Village, Reul Commune, Pouk District, Siem Reap.
Tel : + (855) 12 963 870
Website : www.wfc-kh.org

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