
Shopping in Prey Veng

Shopping in Prey Veng, Cambodia

As it is quite common in Cambodia even smaller cities, such as Prey Veng have at least one bigger market. You may also find a market in Prey Veng centre, which is a very busy area with local shops dealing the local daily consumer products, like fish, fruits, vegetables, meats and packed products. The market is bustling Cambodian affair with loads of goods from nearby Vietnam. Most of the food and drink shops are surrounding the market. 

You may also find some Mini-Marts with Western Foods. This doublewide mini-mart has a number of Western foods to satisfy your craving. The other side is filled with cases of all brands of beer available in Cambodia- enough to quench even the driest whistle.

Shopping in Prey Veng
Shopping in Prey Veng
Shopping in Prey Veng
Shopping in Prey Veng

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