
Prey Veng Population

Prey Veng Population, Cambodia

The current population in this province is 1,063,494 person or 7.64% of the total population (14,363,519 person in Cambodia, 2007, provincial government data) with a growth rate of 2.40%, which consists of 502,671 person or 47.18% who are male and 560,823 person or 52.82% who are female. The above number also consists of 825,818 persons or 80.54% who are farmers, 140,685 persons or 13.72% who are fishermen, 44,561 persons or 4,35% who are traders and 14,267 persons or 1.39% who are government?s officers. The population density is 217.8 people per square kilometre.

Prey Veng Population
Prey Veng Population
Prey Veng Population
Prey Veng Population

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