
Prey Veng Geography

Prey Veng Geography, Cambodia

Prey Veng province is 4,883 square kilometres big. It's located in the South of the country and is bordering to the North with Kampong Cham, to the West with Kandal, to the East with Svay Rieng and to the South with Vietnam. The province consists of the typical plain wet area for Cambodia, covering rice fields and other agricultural plantations (rubber plantations in former times). The province also features two of the biggest rivers of the country the Tonle Bassac and the mighty Mekong.

Prey Veng Geography
Prey Veng Geography
Prey Veng Geography
Prey Veng Geography

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How to get to Prey Veng

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Where to stay in Prey Veng

Where to stay in Prey Veng, Mittapheap Hotel: (tel: 012/997757) This hotel is located on the ...

Prey Veng Climate

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Prey Veng Population

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Prey Veng Economy

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Where to eat in Prey Veng

Where to eat in Prey Veng, Mittapheap Restaurant: The same family of the nearby Mittapheap Hotel ...

What to see in Prey Veng

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Prey Veng Introduction

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