Sunrise Children Village
Business Overview
Post Office Box 2504, Phnom Penh 3, Kingdom of Cambodia.
The Sunrise 'rice-money' comes mainly from individuals, corporations and families. Opportunites are available to sponsor a Sunrise child or provide a one-off donation. Our wish list highlights other opportunities to assist in providing our needs.
The Foundation’s accounts are audited annually by qualified Australian Chartered Accountants and our Annual Financial Reports are available to members at our AGM or by application to our Adelaide office.
Administration costs are kept to a minimum, currently under 10% of the cash raised in the last financial year, and this ensures that the majority of the funds reach the children.
We are very proud of being able to keep our costs so low.We now have a range of merchandise which can be purchased to support Sunrise. This includes calendars, DVDs, books, pendants and caps.
Sunrise is very excited to announce the release of our new CD: Sunrise Musicians of Cambodia Khmer Classical Songs.
It is a beautiful collection of traditional songs and dance music performed by the children and recorded by some Australian friends who visited us at Sunrise 1 earlier this year. With new words to express stories of life at Sunrise written by our music and dance teachers, the CD presents tales of hope, gratitude, and happiness, as well as showcasing the talent of our children. The CD will be available from mid-July 2010, and will cost $30 plus $5 for postage and handling. All profits will go straight to Sunrise Children’s Villages.