People Improvement Organization
Business Overview
#S71, Street Silver Sangkat Tomnop Tek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
PIO serves over 800 children a day through a variety of programs that include, non-formal education and vocational training. Through our programs we provide some of the most vulnerable women and children in Cambodia with hope for the future. Through education it is our belief that we can improve the lives of the Cambodian people which will lead to a life out of poverty.
The People Improvemeont Organizatin (PIO) was established in 2002 by Mrs Phymean Noun and was officially registered at the Ministry of the Interior the same year.
PIO is a non political, non religious, non government organization. We provide education, vocational training and support to the poorest communities in Cambodia, with a focus on girls, orphans and street children. Many of these families are living with HIV/AIDs or other serious health issues and are the very poorest communities in Cambodia.
PIO has outreach centres at the city dumpsite, in the slum areas of Phnom Penh and on the outskirts of the city where the people from the slums are being relocated as the city is redeveloped. We also run vocational training for girls in dressmaking, cookery, and beauty and hairdressing at our training center in Phnom Penh.
Through education and training, we aim to equip the children and young people to access regular jobs and become self supporting, improving their quality of life and that of their families.
We have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Education and with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, and work directly to support the governments’ education goals.
PIO is committed to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals which aim to ‘End Poverty’, and all our work actively underpins the achievement of these goals.
PIO is run solely by Cambodians for Cambodians. We strive to develop our workforce and empower local people to become the leaders of the future.
PIO is a not for profit organization. All funding and donations are used exclusively for the benefits of the children and their communities.