Where to Stay In Banteay Meanchey
Where to Stay In Banteay Meanchey
There are many small hotels and guesthouse in Banteay Meanchey and it is easy to find by tourists:
Rong Roeung Hotel:
Fan rooms 200 baht (US$7), a/c rooms 300 baht (US$10). Western bath, sat. (Satellite) TV, clean; and the owner speaks English.
Sourkear Hotel:
Fan US$ 5, a/c US$ 10. The rooms are very clean and have large and small beds as an additional Western bath.
No Name Hotel:
The name was being changed when we stayed there-to what, they did not know. It's a nice place. The manager speaks English and the staff is very friendly. Western bath, sat. TV, wrap-around terrace overlooking a small park. Fan room 200 baht (US$7), a/c room 250 baht (US$8,5).
Santapheap Hotel:
The name means peaceful and that?s it. Located on the outskirts of town towards Battambang, the hotel is very clean with Western bath, single bed fan rooms for US $ 5, two beds for US $ 7 and a room with a/c and sat. TV goes for US$ 10.The owner speaks English.
Phnom Svay Hotel (and restaurant):
Nicely furnished clean rooms with a large bed, sat. TV and Western bath. Fan rooms are 200 baht (US$7), a/c rooms 300 baht (US$10). The restaurant is the place for Western food in Sisophan.