Business Overview
#R19, Angkor Prim Prey market Trapeang Seh Village, S/K Kouk Chak , Siem Reap City, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Message from Executive Director : Significant progress has been made in increasing the standards of all FLD's operations and projects. This creates an environment at a community level that allows local achievements to take root and become sustainable. A good example is our involvement in establishing and capacity building 87 village savings and loan groups in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng in partnership with CARE. The groups were handed over to those communities in early 2011.
FLD (Farmer Livelihood Development) is a local Cambodian NGO that works in over 300 rural villages and 10 provinces. Our mission is to work with targeted communities on improving productivity, promoting, and creating jobs and improving Micro and Small Enterprise(MSE) practices for the betterment of food security and living conditions.
Message from Executive Director
Significant progress has been made in increasing the standards of all FLD's operations and projects. This creates an environment at a community level that allows local achievements to take root and become sustainable. A good example is our involvement in establishing and capacity building 87 village savings and loan groups in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng in partnership with CARE. The groups were handed over to those communities in early 2011.
FLD's strategy is to work with international and local partners to crate a beneficial synergy both during implementation and within the community. In 2011 new projects were added through our partners the FINTRAC/HARVEST programme and local NGO, KHANA, in a food security, nutrition, and micro finance project.
This expands FLD's services to Pursat, Battambang, and to a lesser extent, Pailin and Kompong Cham Provinces. FLD is now very active in 9 provinces and less so in another two (Pailin and Kompong Cham): in all over 400 villages and 20,000 households.
All these positive moves, and the projects outlined in this review, would not be possible without our partners and donors. Their support, Understanding and advice means that we can give Cambodia's disadvantaged farmers and their families real support.
About FLD
Farmer Livelihood Development (FLD) was create by localising the SCALE programme and was registered as Farmer Livelihood Development with the Ministry of Interior as a Local NGO on 28th August 2002.
Farmer Livelihood Development (FLD) was established to alleviate poverty in rural Cambodia. Five million Cambodians, thirty six percent (36%) of the population, live below the poverty line of less than $1 per day.
Ninety percent (90%) of these people live in rural areas, where eighty percent (80%) of them depend on agriculture, mainly rice production, for their livelihoods. Improving their chances of a better life is an important part of FLD's mission.
Communities where people interact with integrity and empathy for the betterment and sustainability of their livelihood activities. Where people believe they are able to solve their problems and improve their quality of life through justice and democracy.
To work with targeted communities; improving productivity, promoting and creating jobs, and improving Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) practices for greater food security, and better livelihoods, health and quality of life.
Justice, Empathy, Democracy, Sustainability and Intergrity
Contact to Farmer Livelihood Development (Siem Reap)
Address : #R19, Angkor Prim Prey market Trapeang Seh Village, S/K Kouk Chak , Siem Reap City, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Tel : 070 550 005, 088 988 7709
Website :