
Kampong Thom Population

Kampong Thom Population

The total population of Kampong Thom is 708,398 person or 4.5% of the total population (14,363,519 person in Cambodia, 2007, provincial government data) with a growth rate of 2.4%, which is consisting of 343,478 person or 48.3% who are male and 364,920 person or 51.7% who are female. The above number also consists of 517,072 person or 85.0% who are farmers, 28,150 person or 4.60% who are fishermen, 91,248 person or 15% who are traders, 5,884 person or 0.97% who are government's officers.

Kampong Thom Population Old Lady
Kampong Thom Population Young Girl
Kampong Thom Population 1
Kampong Thom Population School Children

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