Enquiry: Ensure Khmer Disabled Assistance Organization - EKDAO

Thank you for your interest in Ensure Khmer Disabled Assistance Organization - EKDAO.
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Ensure Khmer Disabled Assistance Organization - EKDAO

Trapang Sesh village, Kokchork commune, Siem Reap city-province, Cambodia.

Mr. Kim Sovann is a disabled veteran who has himself been looked down upon and discriminated against. He understands the plight of others who have endured the same. Try cutting down and solve these problems and serve the needs of other disabled people like himself, he formed the ENSURE KHMER DISABLED ASSISTANCE ORGANIZATION (E.K.D.A.O) on 01 January 2005. His aim is to empower and support the disabled in closer way to struggle the real enemy which he said The poverty the disabled are facing!